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Donations go DIRECTLY to people in need. For example, donations could go toward needed school supplies, building supplies to give a family a new home, or toward buying supplies for microbusiness start-ups.

If you would like to donate, we have a sister organization in the United States so that your donation is tax deductible.

To make a donation, please make the check out to the International Humanitarian Foundation and specify on the check that it is for the Costa Rican Humanitarian Foundation. Thank you very much for your donation. Please send donations to:

David Morse
IHF Executive Director
P.O. Box 145
Hanover, NH 03755

Please also contact Gail Nystrom directly by email with the subject DONATIONS. This will help us with our coordination of donations, allow you to specify a specific project or community to support, and allow us and the communities here to thank you personally.
